Ecosocialism Seminar - 13 July online 

workshops to develop startegy on building an ecosocialist movement, working class climate politics, challenging the far right, practical internationalism. Register at

The 2023 Ecosocialism conference happened on 2 December. We have a report of it online here. Many thanks to everyone who attended.

The final statement from the organising committee is available here

For an update on what we are doing read this.

We will be organising another conference later in the year. Contact us to help make it happen

To get in touch with the organisers please email

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On Facebook ecosocialism.conference

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Sessions at Ecosocialism Conference 2023

1. How capitalism destroys the environment

Capitalism is a system that prioritises profits over everything. Every year global leaders meet and pledge to do something but still the environmental damage continues. This session will hear why our current economic system is incompatible with life on Earth.


Simon Pirani author and editor of the People and Nature blog

Clara Paillard, trade union activist focussing on environmental issues

2. Should we “degrow” the economy?

Some say that we need to degrow the economy and reduce economic activity to deal with the environmental crisis whilst others believe this will negatively impact people and we need a different approach. Come and join the debate.


Matt Huber author of Climate Change as Class War

Elke Pirgmaier editor at and contributing editor of Growth in Transition

3. Developing an ecosocialist strategy

Speakers from campaigns on the front line against global warming and environmental degradation and a chance to contribute on how we can organise an ecosocialist movement after the conference.

Alia Amirali an activist in the Awami Workers Party Pakistan

Max Ajl author of A People’s Green New Deal

Noah Herfort co-founder of Climate Vanguard.

Graphics designed by Maxwell Williamson