Three Ecosocialist projects for the next few months

1. An online strategy meeting

A number of attendees at the 2 December conference said they would like a follow up session to discuss ecosocialist strategy in more depth as the session at the conference was quite broad.

We propose to organise an online meeting in the next few months with the aim of getting together a clear understanding of how to build a mass ecosocialist movement both in our country but internationally. 

This meeting could involve break out groups to focus on specific areas, for instance

  • Key demands of an ecosocialist movement
  • International questions, e.g. global south and imperialist north
  • Trade Unions
  • Building community campaigns
  • How to do ‘messaging’, how to get complex ideas across to people

If you are interested in helping to organise this then please email us at

2. Launch an appeal for writers for articles as a step towards an ecosocialist journal

People were very keen to launch an ecosocialist journal. After an initial discussion this is a proposal for what it might look like. 

We want to get people who can write articles, anything from 500-5000. We will initially publish anything on the website once it is revamped and if we get a few people willing to write then we can look at a journal format. We have had several people offer to sub edit and proof and a few offer to write already which is a great start. 

The journal should be something that is accessible to people outside of academia and especially younger people. That doesn’t mean not having theory or explaining complex ideas around capitalism and ecology but it does mean making sure as many people as possible can learn something from it. A mix of longer articles with shorter ones, report, reviews, opinion pieces and so on. The journal should reflect both the urgency of the crisis but also the joy of liberation and resistance and hopes for a better world. 

So based on that criteria if you would like to write something or have an idea for an article please get in touch

We were thinking of having a theme  around the environment, capitalism and racism, including the issue of the global south and exploitation of resources there. However if you are interested in any other issues around ecosocialism then please feel free to get in touch!

3. Online reading group to improve our knowledge

We agreed to host a regular online reading group to help deepen our understanding and educate ourselves. The first one will be the July issue of the socialist magazine Monthly Review which is a special on degrowth

You can read it for free online here

We thought a magazine might be easier as it is articles not a longer book for the first one.

The reading group will be on Wednesday 21 February at 6:30pm we will send out a zoom link nearer to the time.

4. Next organising group – Tuesday 6th February

The organising group will meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 7. We aim to meet for an hour but no longer than 90 minutes. The meetings are open to all and we will communicate decisions and initiatives afterwards – as we have here! We will send out a zoom link the week before for anyone interested.